Growing up in the picturesque Glencolmcille in South West Donegal, Ireland, I developed an appreciation for the simple pleasures of life and the nourishing foods that surrounded me. My childhood was filled with what I considered "normal" foods - a variety of meats, fish, eggs, potatoes, and vegetables. Lots of exercise and fresh air!
With my father being a fisherman, our meals often featured an abundance of fresh fish from the nearby Atlantic Ocean.
Despite finding breakfast staples like porridge and homemade brown bread made lovingly by my mum, mundane, my parents reminders to eat well sparked my early curiosity about the impact of food on our bodies. My mother also had a very mindful way about her appreciating the simple pleasures in life and being a great listener, all which shaped me to become the person i am today.
As I progressed through secondary school, my curiosity about nutrition deepened. Studying Home Economics opened my eyes to the vital role of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and protein in maintaining a healthy body.
This newfound knowledge ignited a hunger for more information and a passion for understanding the intricate relationship between food and well-being. My Home Economics teacher, Ms. Campbell, played a pivotal role in nurturing my interest and encouraging my exploration of the world of nutrition.
A significant turning point came when Ms. Campbell praised me for achieving a perfect score on a Home Economics test. Her words of encouragement resonated deeply, especially during a time when I struggled with self-esteem and sought reassurance.
Despite facing disappointment when my college plans to study Home Economics teaching fell through, redirecting my path towards Chemistry and Finance, I remained resilient in my pursuit of knowledge about the human body and the impact of food on our health.
Driven by an unquenchable thirst for understanding, I embarked on a journey that led me to study Nutritional Therapy, a field that allowed me to delve deeper into the intricate workings of our bodies and the transformative power of food.
Ten years after leaving school, I proudly qualified in Nutritional Therapy, equipped with a wealth of knowledge and a burning passion to share this information with others.
Today, I am delighted to bring back this wealth of experience and enthusiasm, reminding everyone to cherish and care for their bodies - your lifelong home.
I envision a world where individuals, especially children, are empowered with the knowledge and tools to make informed food choices that nourish their bodies and promote overall well-being.
I believe that fostering a deep appreciation for the power of food and the importance of a balanced diet, exercise, sleep and relaxation time we can have a profound impact on the health and happiness of future generations.

Let's begin one healthy habit at a time to have healthier generations in the years to come in both physical and mental health.